Hagar On-Time! (HO-T!) is a social enterprise producing bags and garments for export and for the local tourist market. In 2007, it’s parent organization, Hagar Cambodia moved to the former premises of the Nestle offices/factory in Road No. 5. HO-T! was allocated a space of about 15 x 35M for its offices and production floor for about 100 workers and employees.

Nestle used part of the space allocated for its product (Milo) production and packaging. A separate room was used for company meetings and other events.
In May 2007, consultation with the then GM of HO-T! began. A plan was drawn for the total renovation of the place to fit in at least 100 industrial sewing machines, cutting tables, a store for raw materials, a packing room, a showroom, warehouse, sample room, toilets, plus offices for the managerial and support staff. A variety of construction activities were arranged: masonry, plumbing, electrical and telecommunication installations including an automatic door.
The challenge was to make a former food production factory to a place suitable for efficient production of accessories and garment. Electrical wiring for each of the industrial sewing machines as well as for lighting and fans had to be planned carefully to make the room bright and well-ventilated. Plumbing had to be installed where none existed. There was limited space for rooms for managerial and support staff.
Sadiq’s 15 technical staff and workers did the clearing and cleaning up of the space before starting the project in June 2007. Plumbing, masonry and electrical work started. An additional floor was constructed where there is now a conference room, three enclosed rooms as well as space for 6-7 support staff, space for a copying machine, simplified pantry and a display wall for merchandise.
In October 2007 HO-T! moved into their new premises.